Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Gameloop and Nox Diskless Game Launcher

- First, open explorer and go to "C:\Program Files". Cut "AndroidTbox" folder and paste it inside "TxGameAssistant" folder directory.

- Then open regedit, and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AndroidTBox" . Change the "InstallPath" value to path of "TxGameAssistant" folder ( e.g., D:\Manual Game\txgameassistant\AndroidTbox ).

Update GameLoop Registry batch for diskless launcher :
Place this batch in "\TxGameAssistant\" directory. Create new document and copy paste the code below into it, save the file as "update_gameloop_registry.bat"

@echo off
reg export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tencent reg1.reg
reg export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WOW6432Node\Tencent reg2.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Tencent reg3.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\QMEmulatorService reg4.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AndroidTBox reg5.reg
copy /Y reg*.reg final.reg
del reg*.reg

Code for Pubg Mobile Tencent/GameLoop Diskless Launcher  :
Make a new folder inside "TxGameAssistant" folder and rename it to "Pubg Mobile". Make a new batch file and copy these commands into the file.

@echo off
cd ..
regedit /s final.reg
start "" "%cd%\AppMarket\AppMarket.exe" -startpkg com.tencent.ig -noui -from DesktopLink

Code for Free Fire Tencent/GameLoop Diskless Launcher  :
Make a new folder inside "TxGameAssistant" folder and rename it to "Free Fire". Make a new batch file and copy these commands into the file.

@echo off
cd ..
regedit /s final.reg
start "" "%cd%\AppMarket\AppMarket.exe" -startpkg com.dts.freefireth -noui -from DesktopLink

Code for Mobile Legends Tencent/GameLoop Diskless Launcher  :
Make a new folder inside "TxGameAssistant" folder and rename it to "Mobile Legends". Make a new batch file and copy these commands into the file.

@echo off
cd ..
regedit /s final.reg
start "" "%cd%\AppMarket\AppMarket.exe" -startpkg com.mobile.legends -noui -from DesktopLink

Code for Call of Duty Mobile Tencent/GameLoop Diskless Launcher  :
Make a new folder inside "TxGameAssistant" folder and rename it to "Call Of Duty Mobile". Make a new batch file and copy these commands into the file.

@echo off
cd ..
regedit /s final.reg
start "" "%cd%\AppMarket\AppMarket.exe" -startpkg com.garena.game.codm -noui -from DesktopLink

Or you can download all batch files here : Game Loop Launcher

Nox start with random Imei :
Place batch file in "\Nox\bin\"

@echo off
set /a var1=%random% +10000
set /a var2=%random% +10000
set /a var3=%random% +10000
set noimei=%var1%%var2%%var3%
nox.exe -imei:%noimei%