Sunday, December 4, 2022

Logitech G Hub Diskless Launcher

- First install LG Hub in diskless server

- Then create LG HUB folder in Gamedisk.

- Then create batch file for exporting registry of LG HUB. Copy paste the following script into the file :

@echo off
reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Logitech" reg1.reg
reg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{521c89be-637f-4274-a840-baaf7460c2b2}" reg2.reg
copy /Y reg*.reg lghub.reg
del reg*.reg

- Run this batch file just once in diskless server.

- Then create 3 folders : ProgramData, Local, Roaming.

- Cut LGHUB folder from "C:\Program Files", then paste the folder in LG HUB folder in Gamedisk.

- Same as above step, cut folder LGHUB and Logishrd from "C:\ProgramData" then paste in ProgramData folder in LG HUB folder gamedisk.

- Cut folder LGHUB from %LocalAppdata%\ then paste it in Local folder LG HUB gamedisk. 

- Then also cut folder LGHUB and LGHUB_BKP from %Appdata%. Then paste in Roaming folder in LG HUB folder gamedisk.

- Then create batch file and name it "LGHUB launcher.bat", and copy paste the following script :

@echo off
regedit /s LGHUB.reg
mklink /J "C:\Program Files\LGHUB" "LGHUB"
mklink /J "C:\ProgramData\LGHUB" "ProgramData\LGHUB"
mklink /J "C:\ProgramData\Logishrd" "ProgramData\Logishrd"
mklink /J "%LocalAppdata%\LGHUB\" "Local\LGHUB"
mklink /J "%Appdata%\LGHUB\" "Roaming\LGHUB"
mklink /J "%Appdata%\LGHUB_BKP\" "Roaming\LGHUB_BKP"
sc create LGHUBUpdaterService binPath="%ProgramFiles%\LGHUB\lghub_updater.exe --run-as-service" obj=LocalSystem start=auto DisplayName="LGHUB Updater Service"
start "" "%ProgramFiles%\LGHUB\lghub.exe"

- Use "LGHUB launcher.bat" as diskless launcher for client.

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